Allied Health Professionals

Community Midwives

The Community Midwifery team are available to contact via the Badgernet online service;

Community Nursing Team

Our district nursing team attached to the surgery covers all aspects of nursing care in the home, as well as providing support for patients and their carers. They can advise on, and provide various types of equipment and aids, e.g. walking frames, continence products. They are based within Muirhead Medical Centre and may be contacted by telephoning 01382 740211 (answering machine).

Alan Thomson

R.G.N., B.N.

Debbie Sanderson

R.G.N. B.N.

Health Visitors

Health Visitors/Public Health Nurses have a role in health promotion and health education with all age groups and are skilled in assessing and offering information on a wide range of health issues working closely with all members of the Primary Health Care Team within your GP surgery. They do not wear a uniform but do carry an identification badge, which shows their name, title and photograph. Patient’s are encouraged to seek identification.

Health Visitors/Public Health Nurses core working hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. An answer machine service is available, and messages are checked twice daily during working hours. They will arrange to see you at a suitable time and place e.g. your home, GP surgery, local clinic. They may be contacted by telephoning 01382 740155 (answering machine). 

Ginika Akunna –  R.G.N., R.S.C.P.H.N-H.V., C.P.N.P.

Alison Mcintyre – R.G.N., R.S.C.P.H.N-H.V.