
Practice Nurses

Joan HallyburtonNurse Manager. R.G.N., B.N., Dip Asthma, Dip Diabetes, Dip COPD, Independent Prescriber, Minor Ilness
Lesley GibsonR.G.N., B.Sc. (Hons)., Dip Diabetes, CHD, Independent Prescriber.
Betsy BannanR.G.N., B.A. Adult Nursing. Cert Asthma.

The Practice Nurses at Muirhead Medical Centre are all registered nurses who have undergone further training to work in Primary Care. They offer a wide variety of general nursing services including blood pressure reviews, wound care, immunisations, cervical screening, health promotion and travel advice and vaccinations.

Their training also includes further education to Diploma level, which enables the Practice to offer Nurse-led clinics in areas such as asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Each practice nurse has their own area of specialty:

Joan : asthma, COPD, diabetes, Nurse Prescriber. Joan offers a nurse led Minor illness and telephone triage clinic in the Practice.

Lesley : diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Nurse Prescriber.

Betsy : ssthma

Healthcare Assistants (including Phlebotomy)

Fiona SmithN.A.P., Cert in Health and Social Care, Cert in Clinical Skills for Healthcare Workers.

Fiona is our health care assistant and is fully trained in many areas. Her main duties include taking bloods, monitoring blood pressures, performing ECGs and testing samples. Fiona is also involved in carrying out general health checks for patients including those on high blood pressure medication and the contraceptive pill. Fiona is also able to give basic health promotion advice.

Telephone 01382 580264 and ask for an appointment with the nurse or health care assistant.