Dementia Services

It is very important that anyone who has problems with their memory has a proper assessment. If these problems are due to dementia then early diagnosis and referral has many benefits for the patient, their carer(s) and family. It can help them to plan and access the treatment and support they need and to improve their quality of life.

If you are having memory problems, please book an appointment with one of the GPs, who can make an initial assessment and refer you to the Memory Clinic if needs be.

Purple Alert

We are the Digital Leadership Team at Alzheimer Scotland, and we offer you decades of professional and personal experience.

Our local, national and international work is inspired and informed by families living with dementia and the professionals supporting them. Leading with a human-rights based approach, we advocate informed choice, respect and freedom from discrimination, and have a deep understanding of the wants and needs of People Living with Dementia.

Our models and products, including Purple Alert and the Dementia Circle approach are replicable and could be applied to your area of work. If you would like to find out more, or speak to us about how we can support you to deliver human centred service design, please get in touch.

Dundee Dementia Resource Centre

The centre aims to support people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends at any stage of the illness. The following support is on offer:

  • Information and advice
  • Community activities for people with dementia and carers
  • Peer support groups
  • Day care