WHAT is Sources of Support
Sources of Support is a social prescribing service available to patients in all GP practices in Dundee. We are part of the wider GP practice team and will work with you. If you are experiencing social, economic, and/or personal issues which are impacting on your physical health, mental health and wellbeing. This means that your GP will be able to focus on medical issues whilst a Primary Care Link Worker will work with you to identify non-medical support to help improve your situation.
HOW we will work with you?
The Primary Care Link Worker will listen to you and work with you to identify your priority issues and what sources of support will suit you best. The service can support you for up to 20 weeks and will talk to and refer to other services and advocate on your behalf. Primary Care Associate Practitioners (support workers) can also support you within this period. There are a range of issues that we can identify non-medical support which may include but are not limited to:
- Housing
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Social isolation
- Finances and benefits
- Core essential needs
- Family and relationships
- Physical health
- Employment, learning and volunteering
WHO we can work with
We can work with you if you are aged 16 or over and your physical health, mental health and wellbeing is impacted by social, economic and/or personal issues and you have limited support to help you access services.
You do not meet the criteria of the service:
- If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, including episodes of psychosis.
- Your main reason for referral is in relation to drug or alcohol issues and you have. no support in place.
- We advise that you contact your GP practice who can put you in touch with these services that can best meet your needs.
HOW to access the service
Contact your GP practice or Sources of Support Service on 01382 496754 to find out how to be referred.