You might have already noticed changes when you’ve contacted your GP practice for an appointment. Instead of seeing a GP, a member of your newly expanded GP practice team may be best to help you such as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, a social prescriber or link worker, a physiotherapist, or a nurse.
These changes are being made so we can develop a primary care service for the future which will mean you’ll see the right specialist for your care.
We’d like to know what you think of these changes.
You might have already noticed changes when you’ve contacted your GP practice for an appointment. Instead of seeing a GP, a member of your newly expanded GP practice team may be best to help you such as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, a social prescriber or link worker, a physiotherapist, or a nurse.
These changes are being made so we can develop a primary care service for the future which will mean you’ll see the right specialist for your care.
We’d like to know what you think of these changes.
Click on the Patient Survey below